I'm going to try to keep you all updated on who I'm following on
Twitter from time to time. Celebrities, prolific tweeters, downright interesting folk.
New finds this week:

Ashton Kutcher (
aplusk) - Actually tweets a lot about important social issues when he's not, you know, bragging about being married to Demi Moore.

Demi Moore (
mrskutcher) - Like her husband, tweets about social action and is really really into her dogs.

Kim Fassler (
kimfassler) - A
blogger for The Honolulu Advertiser, she provides some great insight from a twenty-something-from-Hawaii-living-away-from-home perspective

Rainn Wilson (
rainnwilson) - As an Office fan, how could I not? But seriously, Rainn offers some great commentary on family life and being a

David Gregory (
davidgregory) - As the host of
Meet the Press, you might expect Mr. Gregory to have some intern do his tweeting (here's looking at you
Anderson Cooper). But this guy actually tweets. From the White House to Whitehall. Good stuff.
Any more suggestions? Pass them along!
1 comment:
Just to name a few:
owen pallet (http://twitter.com/owenpallett) of final fantasy fame.
Ed Droste (http://twitter.com/EdwardDroste) from Grizzly Bear
Robin Pecknold (http://twitter.com/rpecknold) from Fleet Foxes
Chryde (http://twitter.com/USChryde) the dude who does la blogotheque
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