Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Another weekend, another Pomona-sponsored excursion. This time: the Highlands. Sort of. Under the direction of our trusty advisor and ever-reliable source for all things Scottish, Tom Barron, the Pomona contingent took a day-trip to the southern highlands this past Saturday. We started with a 2 hour bus ride (possibly the most nauseous I've been since I've gotten here) to the small village of Comrie. From there, we hiked for about 3 hours to the "Devil's Cauldron" which sort of reminded me of an O'opu-less 'Iao Valley, and a monument atop a hill dedicated to some lord. Even with the mist that seems to hover everywhere in this country, the view from the top was pretty great. Following the hike and a Pomona-sponsored lunch, we drove a bit further north to Loch Earn, a relatively small lake (Loch = Lake) cradled between a series of nearby peaks. And finally, a trip to a bridge over rapids in a river so brown it looked like coke. A great trip, though I was later informed by my Scottish flatmates that I had been nowhere near the Highlands. Go figure.

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