I started this blog
last August with the intent of creating a no-frills travel blog, but now that I'm back I am forced to answer the nagging question "what's next?" Since returning to Claremont after a long hiatus in Edinburgh and then on Maui, I have thought considerably about what direction VariationBlog should take. It seems that the most successful blogs have a focus:
Hypebeast has street culture;
Daily Kos, its liberal critique;
Wired, it's tech fodder. And although I'm a close follower of all three, I've realized that I as an individual am not one single subject. Thus, I've concluded that in order to correctly represent me, VariationBlog must be a sum of my parts, a conglomeration of what I find interesting, topical and important. We'll see how it goes from here.
(Photo Credit)
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