Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Spam Musubi!

Sometimes when I've been away from Hawaii for a while, (borrowing a line from the ever-sad-he-moved-away-from-Hawaii singer Justin Young) I tend to long for familiarity. Having gone through a spring semester and summer internship in LA and three months in Europe, I have not been back on Maui since January, so it's nice to have some taste of home.

Without Sam Sato's or Da Kitchen nearby, I just had to make do with what was available: spam, nori, rice. This was really my first time (outside of 'Iao School home ec.) making Spam Musubi, so the recipe for preparing the spam (basically, frying it in one part shoyu, one part sugar and a splash of mirin) was sorta made up along the way. The good news: it actually tasted like Spam Musubi.

Okay, maybe Miyako Sushi is slightly better (yeah, Sandy, you're welcome), but all in all it was pretty good. And it was nice to have a taste of the islands, even though I am 8,000 miles away.

Also, The New York Times published this story about plate lunches and President-elect Obama. Go read um yeah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah you...leave me alone in August. When are you going back to Maui?