For Spring Break, I visited my friend Sasha at NYU for the week. I promise you my obsession with "How I Met Your Mother" and "The Office" (the New York episodes anyway) did not influence my decision, although it couldn't have hurt. Here's an itemized break-down of what I did back east:
Saturday, March 14:
Arrive at LGA
Takoyaki at Otafuku in the East Village
High-tops & Red Mango in SoHo
Delivery from Sirtaj
Incriminating Facebook videos
3 AM Karaoke in K-town
Sunday, March 15:
Pomona reunion in SoHo
Getting lost on the B train to Brooklyn
NYU reunion in Brighton Beach
Russian/Uzbek food and music videos
Evening walk to Coney Island
P. Diddy Cheesecake & McDonald's bonding in Brooklyn
Packing for DC
Washington, DC
Monday, March 16
6 AM bus from NYC to DC Chinatown
Checking into hotel in Maryland
Return to DC for walk around National Mall, Lincoln Memorial, White House
Early dinner at Chipotle-McDonalds in Chinatown
Tuesday, March 17: Bojangles & purchasing supplies
Arlington National Cemetery
Capitol Building & Supreme Court
Thai food in Chinatown
Hotel party
New York City
Wednesday, March 18: Final visit to 7-11
Pandas at the DC Zoo
Recovering from the 4-hour drive back to NYC
Obligatory Times Square photo-op
The search for the chicken & rice truck on Broadway
Party back at the apartment
Thursday, March 19: Chinese food galore in Flushing (duck buns, pork buns, lamb skewers, noodles, shave ice, egg custard)
Obligatory Central Park & Upper East Side visit
Bulgogi at Woorijip in Koreatown
Friday, March 20: Chinese food & ice cream in the snow
The hellish trip back to California:
-Getting lost on the 1 Train in Harlem
-Backtracking to 47th to get to Queens
-Shady and expensive taxi ride to La Guardia
-Finding out flight was delayed, getting moved to a flight from JFK
-Shuttle bus from LGA to JFK
-6 hour delay in the terminal