Since I have a really good (free) wireless connection here at the hostel in Florence and because we're taking it easy after the train ride from Rome earlier this morning, I've decided to upload some of my pictures from the trip so far. I will be uploading more on Facebook once I get to Edinburgh.
So here goes:

When I think of Zurich, the one adjective that comes to mind is clean. Here's a view of the main river that runs through Zurich. The water was extremely clean and clear, and there are swans that swim up and down the length of the city. We met up with an expat who was telling us that they actually hire someone here to go around and pick the litter out of the water with a rowboat. But she was also a little bit crazy, so I don't know if I should believe her. In any case, Zurich was a very nice city--clean streets, great language, and clocks all over the place. Our hostel was admittedly shady, but everything worked out and we stayed for cheap in one of the most expensive cities in the world. (C'mon 12 euro for a Big Mac Meal?!)

On to Venice. Here's a view of the Grand Canal from the main bus terminal. The city really is remarkable. (And, yes, it sadly does look exactly like the Venetian in Vegas, which sorta ruined it for me). The city is full of narrow passageways and canals, and San Marco's was really unlike anything I've ever seen before. Unfortunately, we only had one night in Venice, three hours of which was spent wandering through the city trying to find Piazza San Marco, but it was all definitely worth it.

Finally to Rome, definitely my favorite city so far. This is a picture of the entrance to the Colosseum, which was packed. It was surreal to walk through the hallways and up the stone steps. And the nearby Forum and Palatine Hill were very cool as well. Where else can you trace the footsteps of Caesar?

One of the benefits to hostel-living is that you get the opportunity to meet people from all over the world. Here we are last night at a pub in Rome spending some time with a couple of English travelers, an Aussie and someone who, ironically, went to school in Southern California. We spoke at length about how the American accent is nasally and ugly.

I will finish this midway-through-europe post with a picture of St. Peter's Basilica. Didn't get the chance to see the Sistine Chapel in person (because of the excessive line and cost), but was blown away by the inside of the Basilica.
I will be in Florence for the next three nights. Taking in all the museums and Tuscan food. Ciao...
1 comment:
Looks like you're having fun - and everything is sooo pretty. Better find me some good souvenirs! Is that how you spell it? Whatever, you know what I mean...
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