I've always supported Team USA, and Japan will always be my team (It is, after all, the motherland), but what about the whole UK-Scotland problem. Apparently, the Sports Minister of Scotland recently contacted IOC President Jacques Roggi to contest the banning of all non-national team flags from sporting events--including Saltire Flags. The message: Scottish fans should have the right to celebrate their Scottish athletes with a Scottish flag despite the fact that, technically, they are UK athletes under the UK flag. It's a tricky situation. There's no doubt about that. But what does that mean for the casual Olympic fan like me?
Here's the article from The Scotsman.
I think you should stick to your roots, mate. I mean, I'm Australian, and I root for my people. Yep.
Oh, and I like your logo, very sick mate, very sick.
south korea. haha. kidding. DON'T do that.
no. i think you should route for china..then you really can be dim sum.
Loser...little late on your posts (aren't you happy I'm commenting so much though) but Michael Phelps is on his way to 8 gold medals!! So exciting...and now, most of the exciting sports are out of the way so you probably won't be watching it much anyway lol. Oh, and fyi, I hate those damn word verifications when I comment...
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