Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Things EuroTrip has taught me:
1) You can travel trans-atlantic for free if you agree to deliver a parcel for "Midnight Express."
2) Europe is the size of the Eastwood Mall. You can practically walk from England to Berlin. Or swim. (Wth is the Eastwood Mall?)
3) Mike is a chick's name in Germany.
4) If you run into Fred Armisen on a train, run.
5) You can't fit dignity into your money belt.
6) Make sure you know how to read the safe word.
7) Not all brownies in Amsterdam are "special."
8) Never go to Bratislava. Unless you only have $1.83 American left. And a death wish.
9) One word: Absinthe
10) Manchester United will save your life.
11) It's not cool to elect yourself Pope.
12) American movies are dumb.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

chicken butt.