Friday, September 19, 2008

1 Month And Many Miles

It's been exactly a month since my plane touched down in Zurich on August 19, so I've decided to pause here, as I do from time to time, to reflect on where I am, where I've been and where I'm headed.

Travel, I have found, is much more about perspective than actually going places. Yes, the architectural triumphs, mammoth museums and bustling metropolises have been worth seeing, and I will definitely take with me a wealth of stories, photographs and knick knacks to boot. But my journeys through Europe have proved so much more than that.

Being half-way around the world has an odd way of shedding light on to the places you've left behind. America, for me, seems a much different place than it was when I left. I'm slowly learning to see the positives and negatives, and although I sometimes long for familiarity, I'm genuinely thankful for this almost surreal opportunity.

A month ago, I had no clue what to expect. And, a month later, I still don't know what's to come. But maybe that's the point.

1 comment:

The Classic Kid said...

Very introspective indeed. I wanted to spell that w/ a "k" and w/out an "e." So it'd be "germanisch." DAMN. hahaha. Um. Not specifically cheesy, but not not cheesy. Make sense? Makes sense. haha.

Right now I am debating whether or not I should go out to eat... It shall be an awesome experience nonetheless. haha. Oh, I tried contacting our Interpolean friend on facebook, and I think he's rejected my "buddy" request.... DAS IST SCHADE! hahaha.


I should write a story about that. ha.