Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Now that I'm spending in Pounds, I've been keeping a close eye on that exchange rate and there's been some good news (for Americans, that is) on the international exchange rate front. When I left the states on August 18, the exchange rate hovered around $2/£, today that number has fallen to just about $1.75/£. It's bad news for the Brits, but great news for us Yanks.

Here's a slightly outdated article from CNN about the sinking exchange rate.


Anonymous said...

Hmm.. Never thought of you as a Yankee or a Cowboy...

I wrote you, and unfortunately all of it got erased. DAMN MYMAIL! bleh.

That is good news... haha.

Auf wiedersehen.

Anonymous said...

even when cindy doesn't sign her posts, it's so obvious who it is.